Monday, November 27, 2006

A Doppelgänger z0man?

I made up z0manifest and z0man purely to try be UNIQUE AS POSSIBLE!!!! I'M NOT UNIQUE ANY MORE!!!! It's kinda horrific for me as I spent a good while thinking up an "alias" for myself online.

I visited this link by accident thinking that this my page. It is all in german and it is called "z0man's"

I thought I was the original z0man. 'z0man'ifest! My z0man's page is

z0manifest for all my developing thoughts
and z0man thought all common life thoughts.

I originally called myself z0manifest but then after playing a game with ppl trying to say my name correctly, I decided to shortened it to "z0man" for playing games and to also make life easier in knowing my name online. After making a blog "z0manifest" about my development thoughts. I thought make a blog for my personal stuff. So I made blog call z0man's Blog on Blogger.

z0manifest as a wierd name too. But then so is other names online.

z0manifest is "zero-manifest" or "Non manifestation" or "Not quite clear". I make some sense in the end somehow.

Interesting differences between z0man's and z0man blogs on blogger is that...

Lets Check this out
I have german blood in me : the other site is in german!
I like technological stuff
[] : It has links to technological stuff.

What is even more interesting is that first test blog on says "Hello Word".
I'm a programming geek too. Most people normally do test pages on blogs to see what they like anyway so I'm trying to not worry about this one.

The other site looks like it means well, it is just wierd how THAT user came up with a name that made up.

Could I be paranoid or over worrying myself here? You know this is not the first time I've witnessed this!

Selling Protopage

Protopage. Amazing feat in "Internet Desktop" technology, No more tab clutter and you can share desktops with other users.

I introduced Protopage v2 to my wife a while back, after all the buzz of "Web Desktop" desktops. It was frustrating show her the ropes, since "Web Desktops" is very new to her.

Now version 3 came out, even MORE frustration came out as well as an argument in order to win her back to Protopage v3. First sight she saw the new upgrade she thought it was crap, within a minute of looking at it as well she accidentally lost one of desktop areas.

So please Protopage, 'No more MAJOR upgrades!'

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Couldn't help it

I wanted to see bloggers new features. It has been long overdue I must say.