Wednesday, November 26, 2008

How I Quit Smoking

After smoking for years from starting age of 16 till 29. I said to my Dad when I initially started, 'That I'd stop if I smoke more than 10 a day'. I failed there for a bit...Well for a while. BUT I FINALLY ACHIEVED IT FINALLY!!! Here is how I managed to quit.

  • I kept reducing my intake of cigarettes.
  • I calmed myself from packs to roll ups.
  • Then from rolled up smaller and smaller
  • Rule 1 smoke outside (My dad has asthma and he managed to quit smoking).
  • There was a time I went on packs again, then I changed back to roll ups and reduced my intake again.
First Baby Steps
  • Went up to a pharmacy with my Mum to stop smoking together. We both got pack of "Nicotine Patches". Since I was on a low intake of nicotine I had the smaller dosage of patches.
  • The patches helped me calmed my cravings.
  • I quit smoking on 8/8/2008, the date was also an encouragement as the numbers looked catchy to me.
  • I believe after 3 weeks of using patches, I decided to totally stop the patches also.
  • Whenever I had a craving I'd quickly tell someone I had that feeling. My parents mostly, they reminded me I was giving up.
  • After over 2 months of NOT smoking, the craving subsided. Yet it sparks minorly when I see or smell smoke. I kept reminding my brain why I stopped.
  • After over 3 months, I despise and loath cigarettes now. I no longer require cigarettes. Happy to say I am offically, "A non Smoker" (really 08/08/08).
I feel more happy and healthier since I stopped. Now I have to put up with my lungs cleansing itself up (Worth it by miles).
PS: My mum still smokes.
I also now strongly practice "Teetotalism" which is far more healthier and encourages variety in our drinks.

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