Initially I thought they weren't that interested in my efforts. So my efforts and motivation just went to stand still.
I have just got an email from the chairwoman of "Holybrook Community Arts & Crafts Cafe" that they are planning to squeeze in a presentation along with my origami workshop. Seeing the words "Origami Tutor" also gave me a buzz. This will be my first time trying to setup a workshop and become an "Origami Tutor", so it will be a test of my quick thinking and wit.
I have planned for a 1hr sessions that details as follows
Origami Workshop 1
40 minute : Workshop.
Origami Book Complete Guide by Rick Beech
ISBN: 0-7548-0782-7
10 minute : Introduction about Origami [Uses,show 4 photos]
10 minute : Folding the Sampan Boat
20 minute : Folding Crane Bird
Contents per Group of 4
3-4 models x 2 (A bunch of models for each origami piece)
2 diagrams x 4 (2 sets of diagrams origami, one for each origami piece)
Give 10-20 minutes for student(and teacher) errors.
However the chairwoman suggest that everyone will be chatting and drinking tea, and they are pretty good with their hands. So I may be able to add more models not sure here.
So I will be spending the rest of this week making sure everything is in order. I start 25th April from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm and then I am off to my theatre group. Which I will also be doing. I am hoping I still have time to do my 3D ventures as well! I'm only going to be majorly busy for one week so course ya :P
Give coal the boot!