Sunday, April 27, 2008

Gmail Omen

I checked my email today and looked at my space usage..... Thankfully I laugh at these ^^

Click the image for a larger view.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Sucessful Origami Workshop

  • Woke up, took the dog out for a walk.
  • Rehearsed my origami workshop
  • Met up with chairwoman for lunch before workshop at 1pm
  • Done my workshop from 2:14pm till 4:30pm, I was looking after 6 students and it went well.
    • We only managed to do two models but I decided to show my "origami Frisbee".
    • They all loved my work, got £20 for the trouble. Ended up giving my money to my dad as we desperately need petrol in the car.
    • I learnt how teachers got paid poorly :(
    • ALL in good fun :)
  • Got a lift home, took the dog out again
  • It's 6:18pm and I feel exhausted :( Something tells me it was because it was my first workshop.
Still the day must carry on, I have theatre rehearsals at 8pm.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tree of Life

As we grow and mature our branches thicken and our roots grow strong into the ground. Our roots is what keeps us alive. If we stretch too far too quickly, we can break and our roots could get pulled out. Plants take time to mature, as do humans.

And our tree has chapters, illusion, disillusion, reality.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Silly Quote of the Day:

My silly Quotes:
Whilst on the bus the day I thought of this nice quote.
We are the dominant species of the planet, yet we use buses.

Famous Quotes of Interest:

"I've been striking these matches in vain, got a whole lot of smoke but no fire, cause you've got a heart full of rain. Now somewhere in your history there's a reason or two why you won't let a body get close to you." C Raye

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Origami Workshop

Initially I thought they weren't that interested in my efforts. So my efforts and motivation just went to stand still.

I have just got an email from the chairwoman of "Holybrook Community Arts & Crafts Cafe" that they are planning to squeeze in a presentation along with my origami workshop. Seeing the words "Origami Tutor" also gave me a buzz. This will be my first time trying to setup a workshop and become an "Origami Tutor", so it will be a test of my quick thinking and wit.

I have planned for a 1hr sessions that details as follows

Origami Workshop 1
40 minute : Workshop.

Origami Book Complete Guide by Rick Beech
ISBN: 0-7548-0782-7

10 minute : Introduction about Origami [Uses,show 4 photos]
10 minute : Folding the Sampan Boat
20 minute : Folding Crane Bird

Contents per Group of 4
3-4 models x 2 (A bunch of models for each origami piece)
2 diagrams x 4 (2 sets of diagrams origami, one for each origami piece)
Give 10-20 minutes for student(and teacher) errors.

However the chairwoman suggest that everyone will be chatting and drinking tea, and they are pretty good with their hands. So I may be able to add more models not sure here.

So I will be spending the rest of this week making sure everything is in order. I start 25th April from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm and then I am off to my theatre group. Which I will also be doing. I am hoping I still have time to do my 3D ventures as well! I'm only going to be majorly busy for one week so course ya :P

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Raspyni Brothers

The most entertaining juggling act I've seen in ages. They show great example of teamwork at it's very best. They have been doing this for years so don't try this at home :P

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Stephen Fry and the Gutenberg Press

Very intriguing documentary, seeing how book printing came to reality. Every time I hear 'Stephen Fry' talk I can't help but think of "The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy" but lets not forget what I am trying to blog here :P I really enjoyed seeing the process of making the font letter 'e', to the making fine paper to print on. The time to take to publish one book is phenomenal!!! The love of books is born from knowing the process of making books.

It reminds us that the book was the history way of sharing media. As with our digital age of computers, networks, and storages, the Internet, as ourway of the now. Think Futurama has it spot on about the future of sharing media, 'Dream adverts' :P

BBC iPlayer link: Stephan Fry and the Gutenberg Press

Right now I'm going to wikipedia Gutenberg.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

My Theatre Schedule

Caversham Park Theatre's

"The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society's Production Of Macbeth"

I am seeing what is like to doing 'Stage Management'. I will be 'Right Stage Handle' wearing all black and running about in the dark changing props lol. My partner in crime for the 'Left Stage Handle' is more experienced thankfully :P Wish me luck and I hope I don't break a leg in the making.

If you look at the fairly dated website, it will explain how to get tickets.

Thursday May 15 Live Performance
Friday May 16 Live Performance
Saturday May 17 Live Performance / Set Deconstruction / Chill out
Sunday May 18 Set Deconstruction

Going to be absolutely knackered on May 18th :(

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Quick Food Sides : Indian

Indian is one of my fav cuisines, this is a sort of nice side for your meals and easy to make ^^. I hate having to spend an awful long time making such elegant meals, unless it is for a huge group.

£3.99 4 chicken fillets
40p Patak's Original, 'Coat_Cook!' Tikka
Over,Grill,BBQ for 30 minutes on foil (To prevent major mess)

Enjoy, 'oh I shall!' ^^

History can Effect Present

History of our lives can effect how we do things in the present situation.

I have only just come to realize that my based on our upbrining, childhood experience, relationships and career history. These factors effect our way of doing things in our current situation in life. Trying to understand the connection is a one of the key step to making a better life.

We all want respect, it's in human nature to want this.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Great Food Deals in Berkshire/Reading

I will change this over time
£7.50Corn Stores
TaiBuffetLunch£5 one off payment, eat all you wantOpposite Hexagon