Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Walk: Abingdon to Oxford - Sept09

It was meant to be a short walk due to one of my rambler friends having a hip problem. It got better some how.

The plan was to take a bus to "Abingdon" and then walk yet we kept missing the bus and ended up from a little further. :/

Here is a few pictures that I managed to take.Don't believe them personally

Lovely view of the Moment (Gimped)

NOW THAT! Is an interesting Building

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Walk : Richmond to Central London 09

Roughly 14.75 miles (Give or take a couple of miles)
Apologises for the Delay

I pondered whether to publish them in Facebook first or in my blog.... I decided the lata then changed my mind, so I thought I do both.

Facebook friends can now comment on any photo, label, draw...whatever on the photos.

Hi res available here.

Enjoy :)

NHS Berkshire Community Meeting

I recently attended an NHS Berkshire community meeting at "Reading Resource". At first I didn't want to go as I wasn't used to them. Yet I got persuaded by key people(Who I help freely) to really attend, so I did and didn't expect myself coming feeling happy. Guess you could I was, 'Crawling out of my hole'.

I knew the NHS was in trouble with finance due to recession etc, yet I didn't expect them to show this desperate feel for help. This meeting got me caring for the NHS Service almost pretty darn quick, I knew some how my complex brain should be able to bring up some questions to help show my care. After a good 30 minutes in betweens I managed to fire out some questions :)

Like myself currently a 'service user' due to my history of depression on and off, I can see the through all the questions of the other users wondering where is all the money going and will they have enough money to pay for such therapy services. That 2nd person said, "Tell us what we shouldn't be doing and what we SHOULD do", which I then knew it was my time to fire some questions.

After hearing the NHS Berkshire paid for 18 talk therapies, made my brain click about, "Have they utilized Instant Messaging yet?". I saw in the news that it has been a proven therapy to help "depression" sufferers (I can vouch for that myself). I can tell they knew little knowledge of "Open source" technology as they responded to my questions most interestingly about, "They still pay for software licenses regularly".

The 2nd person then said, "We have to grab your contact details and I am sure the computer team would be interested to hear your views", which kind of shocked me, oh by the way and not to sound so boasting, that person is 'The Chief Executive of Care Trust for Berkshire' her name is 'Phillipa Slinger'. At least that's how I thought it sounded as I frantically asked around about that person.

They admit it will take a few years to make the changes, yet some how they are VERY willing to "Change" :) "Where there is a will there is a way" :) Oh by the way I have managed to change 3 people into "Open Source". Makes me wonder if I can convenience a whole service.

I will share some of my experiences of how "Change" can create some bizarre scary emotions in us, which I have slowly learnt to understand. It's like a major jolt..."no no no no no no way!" after hearing some news that they have do change their ways which they have so been used to for years and years. It's like, 'Why do I need the Internet when I can perfectly well know, I can buy a news paper in the corner shop that I can hold physically in my hands'. ....I shall stop here before this post gets any bigger :P

On a side note, check out Amy's Ghost events they have quite a chilling yet emotionally relaxing sounds with a chello included?!! I got to see them when a friend invited me over to see him play in Reading at RISC Cafe, sadly I missed him as he was presenting yet enjoyed Amy's Ghost :)

Monday, June 01, 2009

Bizzare Consequences

Having just been in my flat for 4 months, police bashed the front door to the house. I feared for my personal possessions as well as myself. They are a part of my future career.

IMPORTANT: I live in a house split into two flats.
The police DID NOT bash my inner flat door.

Police separated a mother from her child as the mother had a psychological break down apparently. She is hopefully getting the support she needs and the child is being looked after.

Here is the freaky points:
Having bumped into a person over 4 times within a short period of a few days, the way he spoke to me just freaked me. That person had a phone call from the mother and he didn't know her!?

The Times of bumping into a person, "Who helps build confidence"?
  1. Walked past him in a street cluelessly and noticed him at the corner of my eye
  2. Met him at a bus stop, then after a bizarre Then he said this is my lucky day and gave his number to me!?). Greeting and saying such confidence building courses in singing will help me.... He's doing it wrong!!! Get an official card or website first!
  3. He was outside my flat the next day the door was broken into by the police!!!? He had a bizarre phone call from a strange woman saying she is very stressed, he knows the landlord and wishes to move in next to me!?
  4. He came back and luckily my dad was with me to transport me back to his house.

Throughout these experiences, my anxiety was all over the place. I started to freak after having a fair number of friends, family and three police officers saying that the house is insecure.

Wise Moves
Having established my new future career goals to helping people get to work as well as myself, I'm slowly actioning small steps one by one, I don't want to mentally fall over again!! sheez.

Till the door is fixed, I feel safer at my parents for now, currently taking it easy and to stick to my regular routine as best as possible, considering my developing environment has gone.

I also felt it was a good idea to forward my experiences with bumping into this strange person 4 times, to the police. I hope the person is genuine and be wise to learn, 'how not to approach people'. If he is genuine then take I take this post to be also a personal appology to that person.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Issy Busy Lets Get Busy...

Busy = Healthy right? ... Wrong. TOO much busy is unhealthy, being busy is ok. Throughout all my support I have been given I have been constantly reminded to, "take small steps, don't rush and take care of yourself".

Having established my new career dreams I am now putting them into action. Thanks to a small crowd of friends and connections I have made, my dream is slowly coming to a reality!!! Yet through out all these steps I still suffer anxiety :/ Yet I am trying to remind myself it is healthy anxiety of the unknown and that I cannot predict the future.

A Social Business Enterprise
Only certain people know the details, I am working with someone to creating a plan, currently at revision7, yet I am still trying to get more support around me to get this become more solid. Planning to go on a course to show me the basics of running a business (reminders of book keeping etc).

Small Key Steps

WEBSITES:Having made my first social networking site, I am now using the basis of that framework to establish social sites to benefit organizations. Currently 2 websites are being made as I speak. Having no internet in the home has made the development of this sluggish, yet somehow I almost finished one of them. Regular Internet chores at my friend's, organization's and family's Internet has help keep my researh up with my current technological enhancements.

COURSES: I am being amazed at how many people being intrigued with my knowledge so I wish to share this to others. I am slowly creating guides to help train people, course I am also trying set up training, so I can properly train. Thanks to some key new friends giving me a first few pointers.

PRACTICING: Currently volunteering still at 3 organizations before I go for the big "W". One particular organization I am providing full IT support for free. I need to feel some reassurance about my abilities.

Mental Connections
The people and friends I am surrounded with want me to succeed and wish to support me the best they can, and love them for that very much and wish to help them back in turn also in some way eventually.

I have friends to remind me to take a break.
I have friends who love sharing knowledge with me.
I have friends reminding me to not over load myself.
I have friends AND public organizations supporting me and my dreams.

This to all my old and new friends and those organizations who have been very understanding of me...

"I love you guys".

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Lack of Internet = Becareful Weekly

My plans have back fired for me to having some kind of regular internet access via public organizations and volunteer opportunities... Instead I have made myself too busy before I can get a chance to utilize the Internet.

day 6 and 7
That's for my count before I wish to access the Internet. My parents know I am struggling to make ends meet whilst trying to help myself and help others. I am extremely thankful for having such loving parents, they understand my need for my Internet access. They wish for me to succeed as I wish for them to lead a less stress free life.

Get lots done during the Week
Keeping my Internet surfing slacked to weekly, I seem to be busy doing lots of interesting new tasks as well as my important tasks. Yet there is a slight negative side for the weekend, that I may go into overdrive surfing and not sleep well :/

Before I Surf Pleasurably
Once a week a get my opportunity to surf the Internet for my needs. Before I do any pleasurable surfing I always do my important Internet chores, as if I did it the other way round, I'd never get anything done!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Lost or Stolen Mobile?

I recently lost my phone after walking into a "Cash Generator" shop. I guess I may of been a little careless. Yet I normally keep it in my jean pockets. I felt stressed alright, here is what I did to help ease the stress.
  1. Let the local places you been to know you have lost a phone, get them to scan their cameras for any evidence of pick pocketing possibly.
  2. Call up your mobile service provider and bar the SIM. They will also bar the phone and you will get a free replacement SIM card mailed to you. Any credit you had on there will be transfered across.
  3. Report the mobile phone lost to the "Non emergency" police.
  4. Let your friends and anyone else know that you can no longer be reached on the mobile phone via social network sites like Twitter and Facebook.
  5. If you used the calendar on the phone, spend the rest of the time remember the next week's schedule and write it on paper.
  6. Think up some means for a replacement for dairy, alarm and clock.
I managed to calm down after doing the above actions. I feel kinda gutted but life throws some interesting things at ya to make it interesting.

Think I may get an old fashioned wrist watch and diary.... DAG NAMIT FUZZIN RUZZIN WUZZIN!

Friday, April 10, 2009

My new Love for Poetry (really).

It was witnessing my first 3 poets perform live, that they made me fall for the thing, they started it!!! Hearing it not being sung is far more intriguing.

You will see on my right side, poets I now follow :) I know singers are poets in their own right so that's why I slapped mark in there :P Pete the Temp, Danny Chivers, and John Haggot are my first live poet performances I have witnessed and fell for every one of them!

My father also told me of these guys I plan to read up more...
Thomas Malory (POWERFUL stuff)
William Wordsworth (Romantic messy poetry)
Percy Bysshe Shelley (funny enough his sister wrote Frankenstien).

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Be Hold my Ultimate first 6 best Camera Shots

Took a small photo course and found myself taking much better better pictures than normal now :)

Hopefully plan to blog about how these were made.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

No TV License for Me

When I moved into my flat and living off peanuts, I decided to minimalize as much money bills as possible. Also I don't watch TV myself unless I stumble across it once in a while. I Use the Internet. Yet still I have no Internet in my flat still, so I am thankful for the organizations, my friends and family who have allowed me to use theirs for on and off.

After over 3 weeks of living in a flat, I have recieved a very interesting and yet imtimidating letter, what caught my eye was, "Enforcement Officers have been notified" in big bold RED LETTERS, as if I have done something terribly wrong. So apparently I have to let these people inspect my house to make sure I am not using any kind of equipment to watch live TV.

I have a TV tuner card but I am not using it, infact the ariel cable is not in use, there is no plug on it. So touch wood they should be in and out. The bit of the TV tuner I'm still interested in, is the remote control reciver, it be can coded to control the PC in various ways. I have managed this on Windows XP, yet I wish to experiment with Linux. This is why I have not removed it yet.

However if they say I have to remove the TV card, I will of course remove it and feel I am being forced and I will further loath the TV and the license it self.

The BBC services are nice, I do admit I watch the iPlayer on and off, yet I feel they need to change some of their ways, especially sending imtimidating letters straight way, rather than friendly ones with some more common questions and answers.

I have to buy a TV license if I watch live television broadcasts on the Internet. So I don't plan on visiting "BBC News" live broadcast link on their website. Yet this made me question will they be following what I browse online? I rang the people to let them know I have read their surprise letter and stated that I am not using a TV or ariel, I also raised my concern about my privacy Internet surfing privacy, they said "They do not have the authority".

Minor Update
I recieved a nicer letter through the post confirming that I have called them up and told them I am not using the arial.

If the do wish to come and investigate my flat, which they stated in the nice letter it will be only a few minutes of my my time, I will let them. I have nothing to hide, yet I still feel that some of this needs changing somehow. "Being felt intimidated straight away". IF they mentioned more nicely that will be coming round to check, I'd be more happier about all this. Just didn't like that intimidation feeling when I haven't done anything wrong!? Think the gas person coming to check my parents meter is nicer.

One of my friends mentioned to me that I had to pay them, I retaliated by saying, 'visit my blog entry', then decided to rip out the tuner card (despite I am not using it or having any antenna cable plugged into it), let alone no Internet.

No Legal Weight
Apparently there is no legal weight, yet the first intermidating letter looks like it does.
Have a further read with the links below.

Further Reading
BBCresistance and TV licensing
Do you need a tv license to watch tv on the internet?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Lady in Distress

Had an interesting small dog walk last night, can't seem to get it out of my head still.

Whilst getting to the entrance of the park, I saw a comotion of people up ahead mainly all teenagers, I saw one with a torch just running away from some hedges saying, "Couldn't find anything". I could hear them commenting on me and my dog, they were saying things like "Look at the size of that dog", "Maybe he can help".

Time I got up, I was stopped by one them and quickly bluttered out, "Can you help!?, this lady has lost her bag and stuff and we're struggling to understand". I saw the lady looking in major distress and upset. I remained calmed best I could and showed some authority, I tried to piece together the problem, "PLEASE one person at a time", yet dispite the quick sudden silence, one person came up to me with a sycastic smile, "Don't worry about this, she does all the time and she isn't really worth worrying about...", then some bigger person came over and hooked him over his head and dragged him aside, which I was thankful for. The lady started to crying, so I decided to matters into my own hands and signaled her to come with me.

From all the random sentences thrown at me, I managed to get a rough idea what the main problem was. She went out drinking to forget her troubles and stresses in life and one too many drinks, made loose her senses a bit and she even admits it. She lost her bag apparently it was stolen and the contents of the bag; had her keys to her front door, her money she recently took out, her only mobile phone, and her address book. She was also in major panic of haven been robbed. Whilst walking to her house, I could feel her mental stress and I knew I couldn't leave her alone until I have tried to help a little further.

Time I got to her house, told her we was going to call the police and I assured her I will be with her during the time of speaking with them. After a good moment of debating that me and the police gather she hasn't been robbed of any possessions in the house, emergency police services gave us a number to call about reporting missing/stolen items from venues.

Turns out the number was an 0845 number and she had no land line or mobile (obviously), so I decided to say we'll call them from my parents home, at that moment I started to panic myself about my parents thoughts and future thoughts.

The Calming
I remained calmed and walked her to my parents house. My dad came down and I told the story and offered a drink to the lady. I took to making us all drinks and stayed with the lady whilst she called up the 0845 number, also helped her remember the contents of her bags during the time and she was given a reference number.

After my mum and I chatted with her treated to her to some food and drink and she bursted into tears and cryed out, "She misses her son". So I got some details and started searching the Internet, eventually got her up and had look at some faces I managed to find, no luck thuogh. After a while of googling, I managed to salvage an address for her. I hope its the correct one, the young 16 year old is under the care of some house in Cornwall, Truro.

Just before I left the computer, I tried to search for any possible helpful organizations that may be able to help, in the end I printed out CAB (Citizen Advice Bureau) details and told to visit them Monday.

I asked if she had any friends near by that she could stay with for the night, she said yes and I walked to her friends. I knew she needed some mental support, after knocking on her door and some ranting on the other side, I knew she wasn't the best friend I hoped she was, in the end I walked her all the way home, even let her wear my jacket as she was cold.

Cats, a little more help and a little thankyou
I wanted to make sure got in back into her house safely as she felt worried she wouldn't be able to get back into her house. She struggled to even open up her back door, which made me panic there and I quickly tried to open the door myself.

Thankfully the door open and she invited me into the house and she wanted me to see her cats. She had no milk so she treated me to some "hot blackcurrent drink". Whilst sitting down and seeing each of her cats, I finally realize I am seeing the owner of the cats that 'Tom the family dog' has always tried to chase after.

Saw some photographs and got to see her daughter and son she hasn't seen for years. I finally came to realize she was a majorly distressed person and needs more help than just from me alone.

Saw a 'Freeview Digital Box' unattached and I thought I may of been able to get it working just before leaving. Proved myself wrong after spending an hour or so trying to get it working and even felt a current going through the cable that is attached to the ariel. I could sense she was mentally not well as she was getting slightly angry on and off and then appologising.

Just before I left I told her to make sure the windows are shut and I even saw a window broken at the back, turns out shes been hassled by trouble makers more often than I thought. I also said if there are any further support I can think of I will let her know.

Final Thoughts
I even remined her to go visit the CAB first thing monday as she has only enough for a couple of days.

As of now after writing this true event in blog, I am still at a bother about seeing a majorly troubled person, even I have reminded her to, "never give up trying".

She needs a lot of mental support and guidance to get herself back together, I really hope she'll looks for it Monday.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Letting Loose and Clowning Around

I was invited to Reading's "Resource Café and Art Gallery" to experience a workshop like never before, very intriguing one too.

They motivate the group people participating with various activities to help loosen the mind and have a laugh at the same time, not forgetting the great work out you get physically without realizing it till the last moment.


So if you hear of this in your area, go for it.

PS: My anxiety levels went up to begin with, then somehow felt completely free of everything during the final performance.

Not every day you get permission to just clown around.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Been rather Flustered with New things

Things are busy at the moment and that I have been unable to keep updating my blogs and study fully.

  • Currently still moving into my first flat
  • Getting into photography, taken up a basic course in photography to hopefully get really good shots for my website projects, along with many other things. Just started a blog to keep my findings online.
  • Still helping my troubled parents issues on and off, still keeping my mind cool as possible, like everyone else on this planet.
  • Just started up my volunteer opportunity with no Internet, computer desk or chair, been slow developing yet thankfully making slow progress too.
  • Dealing with tooth issues and this 17th March 2009 I will be getting a wisdom tooth out just to stop this silly hole from producing evil things in my mouth.

My future is still uncertain but enjoying these new experiences (excluding the wisdom tooth situation).

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lack of Face to Face Contact, Harmful!?

Social Networking : Lack of Face to Face contact could harm health?


half and half, too much of anything is bad for us.

Even NHS:Choices has a lot of information.

So staying online constantly and not seeing people in the real world as regular as brushing your teeth, is bad and so will the teeth if you stop regularly brushing.

My first thoughts anyway.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Google Earth : Sky, Ocean and Earth, all explorable! :)

Found this yesterday, and it's just nice to travel the world with out much worry ^^. Looking at islands like this one ^^, learning new species, stars and ocean discoveries!

I'm in over my head here.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Esther Dyson : An Inspiration to me

Read this BBC news article about here recently.

The first lady of the internet on her accidental career

Ms Dyson has taken her money and invested early and often in companies such as Google, Orbtiz, 23andMe, Flickr,, Dopplr and Powerset to name but a few.

"I was a good saver and I got 25 cents an hour babysitting if the kids were awake and 12.5 cents if they were asleep. That was how I made money until I got a job in a library when I was 14.

"I've been working for money ever since."

"Yes I want to make money so that I can reinvest it and keep doing this. But I'm not thinking how rich I'm going to get, I'm thinking what exciting new things am I going to help make happen?"

She is even on many boards of non profit organizations.

Further Reading at wikepedia.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Reading List : Survey answered as requested

I was touched when I was approached for my blogs to be put on to the Reading List, for this to happen, I had to provide survery of my blogs, so here are my answers :)

Questionnaire follows:

A1 - Who are you?
My name is Paul Burden and these blogs are my discoveries in various interests I wish to understand and maintain, also to encourage my grammer as most of my first posts may have the odd grammer problem, which I eventually fix.

Originally I made the alias "
z0manifest" to keep email spam at bay, 'non manifestation' and another way to think of it is, 'zero manifest'. Later shortened it to z0man for my online friends. The idea for the alias came from seeing another friend's alias.

Back in 2005 I was originally very cautious and scared of being open and sharing my thoughts online, blogging was very new, then in 2007 having suffered and still am suffering from mental health issues, decided to utilize my blogs to keep my interests up as well explore new avenues.

A2 - What is the title of your blog? (Please provide a link or URL)
I have several actually, in order of creation (Top being the first)

Tech/Geek Corner
Personal Corner
Blender Moments
Game Experiences
z0man's Dev
Political Thoughts
z0man's Parkour

A3 - When did you write your first post?
January 2005

Back in my young naive years, a close friend of mine came round and we drank beer, watched videos, experimented with his new small camera gadget and then became amused at the orbs from the random camera shots we took.

A4 - How many posts have you written in total?
As of now including this one, around 253

B1 - What are your main areas of interest?
Everything you see in my links and labels at my personal corner blog.

B2 - Do you have any political interests you wish to promote? - If yes, please describe:
Encourage openness and thinking outside the box, shame the corrupt.

B3 - Do you have any commercial interests you wish to promote? - If yes, please describe:
At the moment only this free social web application called shared-cookbook. Not sure how long the site will last unless I get more support. I hope to develop the site a little further to support financial estimates of shopping.

B4 - Do you have any other areas of interest you wish to tell other people about? - If yes, please describe:
I enjoy seeing new inspiring creations, such as websites, games and films.

C1 - What are your connections with Reading?
After leaving the Royal Navy my father was very keen to get me interested and working with computers, also he knew that the job aspects in Scotland was not so bright. Having found out that Berkshire is meant to be Silicon Valley of the UK, he decided to settle the family down south (Not sure how true that is now).

Practically lived in Reading all my life, accept for 2 years of it was in the US . Yes I tried to live in the US, my deepest love for someone turned complicated, learnt various lessons, split on a mutual agreement and still friends, enough said there.

C2 - What do you think is the best thing about Reading?
Reading Bus Service.

C3 - What do you think is the worst thing about Reading?
Too many pubs.

C4 - How would you like to see Reading change in the future?
less pubs and more cheap fun reactional physical activties such as, bowling, archery, and shooting people with pretend laser guns.

Would you be interested in participating in future Reading List Blog Network initiatives?
Yes :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Time to Change!!!

WOW!!!! A campaign called, "Time to Change" costing roughly £18 million to help break the myths of mental health!!! Never thought I'd see such a campaign highlighting Mental Health problems.

The article stating the launch is here.

I Over excited myself....

After a meeting with this volunteer opportunity, their organization is the dream find for me, they treated me to lunch :)

Spent the last day planning and writing up any possible interesting features we could add to a web service, a couple of nice ideas popped out during our meeting so they have been slapped into the plan ^^.

I was so pumped that day I exhausted myself the next day, even fell physically ill that day too (oops). I've calmed down and waiting for their feedback on my recent plan updates, even showed them logo design ideas.

I have to get two references and a police check, the organization deals with people of a young age group. Bonus, I will be working on a new machine, be seeing people on and off in the office and they buying my lunch and travel expenses! Course I still have to wait for their feed.

On top of providing a web service for them, I hope to enlighten their organization with open source solutions (They seem very intrigued).

Monday, January 19, 2009

New Project Getting Pumped Up

Didn't think I'd ever see the day where I'd be so pumped about a new project like this before.

The Meeting
No Internet but after a chat, showed them Open-source software, shared some of my thoughts how the site should function, they seem happy with me.

Pumped Up
After the meeting, went into hyper mode planning more features not yet finalized.
Hopefully the organization can me on track, going to share a plan file together see :P

Can't go rushing into anything even if things are pumped up.
I know the people I spoke had this "Pumped Up" feeling too.

Don't get any Web host until the site main core features are fully implemented and tested :P

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Prepare for a Shock

I also finally managed to stop laughing at this and figured out who created the funny "Masters of the Internet" video clips. The guy who created it is non other than Peter antencio

Inspiring person that Peter.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Supportive Sites

Very open place covering many topics of our lives. From workplace and family, to learning and finding new career paths.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Best Advice: Young Low

BBC has published yet another interesting article with unemployment.

'Working, what's the point?'

Shows two young people under 25 struggling get back into work, low and depressed.
I can understand they low moods, they have to mentally push themselves out of it.

"Can't work", "no one will hire me".

My Advice to Those two people in the Article.
Stop smoking
This will aid in saving up for further travelling expenses possibly.
To get to the courses.
Use all resources available for quiting, getting close friends/family to remind why you try trying to quit, start taking patches, use the non-smoking clinics.
Apparently takes 90 days to give up a human addiction (+10 days to be safe).

Stop watching the TV
This causes your brain to go into passive mode and become less active. Use the Internet more constructively to exercise the mind, encouraging yourself to explore other interests online.
Learn something new on the internet also. is a nice place to start.

Stay healthy as best you can
Eat healthy, Drink healthy, happy body, happy mind.
Remind yourself to get into some daily routine and exercise, possibly arrange some activity with friends. Like walking somewhere on just a lunch.

Never give up trying either
If you ever feel low, speak to someone don't bottle it up, even it means chatting to people online you have never even met face to face.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Young People Disturbed

1 in 10 young people find life meaningless.

Yes not being in work or education can be depressing too :( I sure hope they have access to the Internet and use it to it's full extent. Yes everyone who suffers these symptoms require every support possible to curb it.

Even though this is bad news for young people, including myself having experienced some episodes. Any article relating to "mental health" is always encouraging and inspiring for me to try and help in some way.
  • I regularly devote some of my time, chatting to mentally troubled people online.
  • I try to encourage people to try new things and being open about issues.
  • I research and suggest ways to treat these symptoms.
  • I like to enlighten people who are poorly educated about these issues.
  • I was inspired to make a website from these issues (more will come).
Full article here. This young person is an example of positive attitudes, change.

Believe I have what I am looking for and it is called, "Reading Refocus".
They seem very open and they like to also think different and try new things like I have.
They are looking for someone who to help update their website.
Possibly a mentor in technologies for people.
So this sounds like a gold mine for me.
I will look forward to this :)
I have butter flies now...
Didn't think I'd ever find a volunteer opportunty like this.

Argh nothing is going to happen till the 19th Jan, I have to be paitent here! ? Good comes to those who wait. ^^. The person I am to meet about this opportunity, has a cold :(

Friday, January 02, 2009

Cluttered House Despite Self Clean Image

This news article caught my eye. Unfortunity he died and been laughed at paramedic (aparently). I strongly believe he fell down due to his parents passing away.

What was interesting to note, despite his untidy house and cluttered mess, he still managed to keep himself looking tidy, clean and smart for when he left his house!!

See the article here.